Fuel shortage to come next week at many petrol stations in Hungary

Hungarian gas and oil giant MOL will only be able to deliver 25 percent of the needed fuel from 19 September, Hungarian media reported.
Szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu acquired a letter in which MOL informed its partners that they could only deliver 25 percent of the contracted fuel amount. The reason for that is to maintain the predictability of fuel orders and the supply in Hungary, MOL explaned. The oil and gas giant’s announcement concerns gasoline and diesel deliveries, too.
As we reported yesterday, the government decided to maintain price caps on fuel and essential foodstuffs until the end of this year. Regarding possible fuel shortage, Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister’s chief of staff, said on yesterday’s government info that there might be problems at the petrol stations. However, they trust in the sustainability of their decisions.
Gulyás added that people could thank MOL that the government can maintain the fuel price cap scheme. As a result, gasoline and diesel prices will remain at HUF 480 per litre (EUR 1.19/l) in Hungary until 31 December.
MOL announced today that their refinery in Százhalombatta is operating again at full capacity. That is because they could finish the maintenance work following the schedule. The second maintenance phase will begin on 9 October, they added. But that will be a smaller-scale project affecting only the diesel-producing facilities. After finishing the procedure, it might take some time to ramp up diesel production. Fortunately, demand decreases in autumn and winter, mitigating fuel shortage.
They recalled that the original plans were about April. However, the Hungarian gas and oil giant postponed the project due to supply problems in the market and started it only in July. MOL said that was the greatest maintenance project in the history of the Dunai Refinery in Százhalombatta. It cost HUF 8 billion (EUR 19.7 million) and the cooperation of 1,200 professionals, hirado.hu reported.
Source: hirado.hu, szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu
Yes. Thank MOL. There’s no other company who will absorb the losses of selling below the price to produce. So – guess who is the sole provider, the single source of supply, in Hungary? Our Politicians have no Plan B – as per usual.
Oil price is lower than in 2012